The easiest way to add volley library to android studio :
1-download git from here and install it:
2-Create a folder under C: and name it downloadVolley
3-open Git CMD and write cd c:downloadVolley and hit enter button
4-Write this line : git clone and hit enter button.
4-When the download is completed open android studio .
5- Click [File] --> [New] -->[Import Module] and select the library under "c:downloadVolley".
6-Open build.gradle in your project and add the dependency: compile project(":volley").
and thats it :D
Import Android volley to Android Studio
include :app, :volley
compile project(":volley")
include :app, :3rd_party:volley
compile project(":3rd_party:volley")
Best way to incorporate Volley (or other library) into Android Studio project
apply plugin: android-library
dependencies { compile com.mcxiaoke.volley:library-aar:1.0.0}
Add Volley to An Android Studio Project
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