The SWAGphone Honor 6X with dual-rear cameras was launched in India last month starting at Rs. 12,999. Today the smartphone went on sale for the first time exclusively on Amazon India via flash sale.
The first flash sale of the Honor 6X took place earlier today at 2pm and was a sell out. However, the brand has announced that the next flash sale will take place on Febuary 9, and users will have to register for it on the company website. The company will take registration till midnight of February 7.
Honor 6X comes in two variants: 3GB RAM/32GB storage and 4GB RAM/64GB storage boasting dual 12MP + 2MP rear camera that comes with phase detection auto focus and LED flash. The secondary 2MP camera is for achieving depth of field and background blur.
It features 5.5-inch Full HD display, Kirin 655 processor, 8MP selfie camera, hybrid dual-SIM slots, 4G VoLTE, SOS button, fingerprint scanner and 3340mAh battery. It ships with Android Marshmallow based EMUI 4.2, but will get Android Nougat based EMUI 5.0 is Q2, 2 017.
The 3GB RAM variant of Honor 6X is priced at Rs. 12,999, while the 4GB RAM variant will set you back by Rs. 15,999, and will be available gold, silver and gray colors.
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